What are warts? They are tumors or grows that occur on the skin after the keratin part of it starts growing too fast. This is brought about a Human Papilloma Virus, otherwise more commonly known as HPV. Apart from that, it also contagious and can easily be passed from one person to another.
Among the most contagious of all warts are genital warts. They occur mainly around the following parts: penis, vagina and anus. They are transmitted through skin to skin contact via genital, oral or anal sex with an infected partner. In men, they may be few or spread in large masses on the penis. For women on the other hand, they may develop inside or outside the vagina. For both men and women, they can also be found inside and outside the anus.
Genital warts do not only appear around the genitals. They can also do so, although rarely, around the mouth and throat, in the cases of people who have oral sex with infected partners.
The HPV virus in genital warts may also attack the mucosal tissue lining, and if left untreated, may lead to various cancers such as cervical and anal cancers. Early detection and treatment is therefore important.
Before expounding more on treatment, let us first look at ways to prevent it. There are vaccines that are available today to prevent against the causing HPV virus. These vaccines are already being administered to women, especially before beginning to be sexually active. For men, it is in only very few countries like USA and UK that it has been tested and fully accepted.
There is no known treatment for Human Papilloma Virus. However, there are ways that can be used to remove as well as treat genital warts. In other cases, these warts can even disappear without treatment. However, they may re-appear again although smaller.
There are several ways to remove them. Among them is the application of Imiquimod which is an immune response cream. It triggers the immune system in a person to act against the HPV viruses.
Large warts on the other hand can be removed by surgery, but one runs a risk of getting scarred. Cryotherapy is also another effective method that can be employed. It involves the killing of the cells within the warts by freezing them with the use of liquid nitrogen.
There are many other methods that you can use, but a gynecologist and a dermatologist are in the best position to advise you on the safest and most effective of them all, depending on the position of your warts as well as their type.