16th February 2011
Warts are tumors that occur on the skin after the keratin part of the skin growths too fast. This is a condition that is brought about by a virus known as Human Papilloma Virus. It is also contagious, and can be easily passed from one person to another or from one body part to another.
They are usually unpleasant and embarrassing, especially when they appear in the most visible body parts. Apart from that, some, if left unattended to, may lead to cancer. Therefore, it is important to remove them as soon and effective as possible. How can you get rid of them?
There are many methods that you can use to get rid of warts. I am going to look at a few of them that are most effective. The first is cryotherapy. It involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. This works to kill the cells within the wart. A blister then develops which eventually turns out into a scab and falls off after a week or so.
The other method that can be used to get rid of warts is electrocautery. An electric current is used, more often through a needle to burn the cells within the wart. This eventually causes it to fall off.
One can also use surgery to get rid of warts. However, it is a method that is used to remove the biggest and the most stubborn of all warts. A local or general anesthesia is used on the wart and the area around it then a scalpel is used to cut it out. A curette may also be used in the case of smaller warts. The major disadvantage of this method however, is that the warts often have a high chance of growing back.
A type of therapy known as photodynamic therapy is also effective in getting rid of warts. A chemical is applied on the warts, where it is absorbed and light, more usually from a laser beam, activates it. This chemical then kills the cells within the wart, causing it to fall off.
Duct tape could be used to get rid of warts at home. All you have to do is put the tape over the warts and leave it for about a week, after which you should remove it then dip the wart in warm water for about five minutes. To scrape off the dead tissue cells, you should then use something rough like a pumice stone. After that leave the wart open overnight and put a new tape over it the following day. This is a process that is to be repeated until you completely remove the wart.
14th January 2011
Warts are tumors or growths that occur on the skin when the keratin component of it grows too fast. This is a condition that is brought about by the presence of Human Papilloma Virus, otherwise commonly known as HPV. They are highly contagious and hence can be passed from one person to another through skin to skin contact.
Are warts preventable? And if yes, how can they be prevented? The first thing to put in mind is that you should never touch warts with your bare hands. If you are obliged to do so, for example when they appear on your child, you should use gloves.
You should also not share shoes or socks with someone who has verrucas. Verrucas is a type of wart that occurs on the sole of feet and when removed, easily grows back because of the weight exerted on the feet by the body. Sharing shoes or socks puts you in a high risk of obtaining the HPV virus responsible.
Incase you find that you have warts, do not attempt to scratch or bite them off. This will transfer the HPV virus to your mouth or nails, causing the warts to spread.
When you use communal showers, always ensure that you wear sandals. This is because the HPV viruses can be on the floor they may infect you with perhaps verrucas if you step on them. This should also be applied when walking around communal pools.
On the other hand, to prevent the spreading of verrucas to other people, you should wear a water proof plaster or band aid when you go swimming. When out of the pool, you should always cover your verrucas with a special type of socks.
For those with warts on their hands, when handling communal items, you should use gloves. This applies especially for such places as gyms, where you should handle all the equipment with gloves to prevent the transmission of the warts.
In case you accidentally touch a wart, you should immediately wash your hands and thoroughly as a matter of fact. To do this, you should use a disinfectant soap and a lot of water.
Above all, you should strictly avoid using the personal items of people who have warts. Examples of these items would be towels, clothes, combs, nail clippers etc.
Condoms also go a long way in reducing the chances of wart transmission. However, they are not a hundred percent effective.
17th December 2010
Warts can be referred to as rounded bumps which can appear on any part of the body. They mostly appear around the lips and eyelids and they may make the face look very ugly when not treated or controlled. It is very hard to conceal warts on the skin even with make-up. Understanding the causes as well as treatment methods for the infection will greatly help you in dealing with the condition. Different forms of warts exist and the most known include filiwarts, round and flat warts. The HPV Human Papilloma Virus is basically responsible for warts infection, and you need to understand that an individual who directly get in contact with wart can catch the infection.
Laser and cryotherapy methods are the most advanced forms of treating warts infection. Laser therapy involves the use of pulsed light sensations to remove blood cells especially in the affected skin area, and then the water molecules in the treated area will be removed through the CO2 laser and the individual is effectively treated. You need to understand that this form of treatment can result in scarring and you should be ready top undergo some redness and pains when you are treated through laser procedures.
Nitrogen freezing procedures or cryotherapy can also be used in dealing with wart formations on the face. The freezing temperature is usually around -70 degree celcius and the procedure involves freezing the whole keratosis lesions with liquid Nitrogen in the expectation that the freezing will dry them out and then they fall off. One of the advantages of using this treatment method is that it does not leave scars on the treated area and it comes with less pain but you can be subjected to several sessions to remove all the wart growth and that can take lots of your time.
Home treatments are also effective to some extent in the treatment of warts but they can only be used in dealing with minor wart growths, they should not be used in treating serious stages of warts, Some of the home remedies used for warts include; aloe vera and essential oils. They can be combined to effectively remove the lumps on the face , they do not cause scarring . Apple cider Vinegar is another home remedy treatment you can use for warts treatment. Apple cider should be applied regularly for several weeks to achieve the best possible result.
10th December 2010
Genital warts can be described as the epidermal infiltration of the genital region of the skin by the HPV virus. Of more than 100 strains of HPV virus isolated so far , it is believed that more than 30 of such are related to the Genital warts infection, many of such have also been linked to an increased neo-plastic risk in both men and women. There are basically two grades of the HPV virus that results in warts infection, these are; the low grade HPV lesions, and the high risk neoplastic HPV lesions. It is believed that the low-risk lesions of the virus are responsible for genital warts infections on the skin. They are also responsible for the cervical lesions.
The types 6 and 11 strains of the HPV virus are responsible for around 85% of the genital warts occurrence in both men and women, and most of these are very likely to developed into some kinds of malignant tumours. Genital warts are often characterized by rough popular eruptions, which can be flesh coloured, brown or red . It may become invasive or may regress. Some forms of the viral infections can become locally invasive.
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is more common among individuals suffering from some immune deficiencies. It is one of the most transferred sexual diseases in the world (people who are very sexually active can easily contact the infection from an untreated individual). In the United States alone, genital warts come with a annual occurrence of 1%, The life time risk of the infection in sexually active people is put at 50%. Most genital warts infections are transient in nature and can be cleared out without intervention within 2 years.
Latent illness which may occur as a result of Genital warts often become more prominent in pregnant women, people who suffer from immune deficiencies can also have their chances of getting a recurring genital warts increased by more than double. Such immune deficiencies can also determine the size as well as recurrence rate of the infection. Crusting may occur especially when there is trauma associated with Vulva warts. Flat warts if the penis can result in bleeding while the lesions appear to disfigure the region.
Both sexes have the same chances of developing genital warts, however the infection is more prominent among individuals within the age range of 15-33 years. One of the bad sides of genital HPV infection is that multiple infections may develop at different sites at the same time.
25th November 2010
The treatment of warts regardless of the type will largely depend on the age of patient, level of the patient’s immune system, location and size of the infected part of the body. The patient’s preferences as well as experiences of the patient with warts will also determine significantly the kind of wart treatments to be used. A boost in the immunological approach to an individual’s immune system as well as the use of destructive liquid Nitrogen are some of the best and fastest ways of removing warts.
Common warts are often treated with liquid freezing Nitrogen , and it is a treatment that is good for people that can tolerate the pain. This form of treatment also result in the formation of scars. Resistant lesions of common warts can be treated with Pulse dye laser or CO2 laser. Cantharone treatment is often used in treating warts in children as they can easily tolerate such forms of treatments.
Flat warts are kind of warts that frequently occur on the face and legs. Care is often taken to avoid warts treatment that can trigger some form of allergic reactions when treating flat warts. Very light liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy is often used in the treatment of flat warts because it helps prevent scarring. Shaving has been know to spread flat warts and it is advisable not to shave frequently to avoid spreading such warts to other parts. Topical treatments such as tretinoin acid can be used to deal with flat wart without any likely side effects.
Plantar warts seem to be the most stubborn type of warts around and it is often treated with the highest concentration of liquid freezing Nitrogen. The soreness and swelling developed during treatment of plantar warts with Liquid Nitrogen can make walking quite difficult for a number of days. Salicylic acid can also be used alongside liquid freezing Nitrogen which thins the warts down. The treated surface is covered for several days until the warts growth and eaten off.
Wart lesions can be soften with some duct tape and such duct tapes can be self curative in some ways. Making the skin mushy as well as changing the water content periodically can help the patient gets cure from warts soonest. Surgery as well as scraping of warts is often discouraged because the scarring that may occur may become much painful on the foot
12th November 2010
Do you know how to find a wart on your skin? Sometimes they are elongated, sometimes flat. Have you noticed this on your body? What are warts & how do they form? How do we acquire them? What can we do to warts that are already present on the skin.
A wart is anything that suddenly develop as an outgrowth on the surface of your skin. They can be found on the legs, the face, and other areas of the body. Warts are commonly acquired because of the human papillomavirus which is an infection that is passed from one person to another. Many types of HPV’s and the resulting growths have been researched. We’ll dwell on a more detailed discussion of the many types of warts.
The common wart found mainly on the face and in one’s extremities is characterized by flat, and elevated skin which is commonly rough is the first kind of wart. Some warts like the ‘genital wart’ are those warts found specifically in the genitalia. The third type of wart is the ‘plantar wart’ which are usually painful and are found on the feet, usually the sole. Mosaic warts are a cluster of plantar warts that can be commonly found on the soles of the feet or the hands. The other type of wart is that found in the eyelids and in the other extremities of the skin called as the ‘filiform wart.’ The last kind of wart that we’ll tell here are the ‘flat warts’ which are raised but flat and are usually seen on the face, neck and hands.
Now that we know some of the most popular kinds of warts, and what generally causes them, it’s time now to focus on the ways of removing warts. There are many available treatment options to get rid of warts. Some of the treatments used for warts are prescription or non-prescription medications and others require special procedures. Salicylic acid is one of the most common treatment for warts that can be acquired over-the-counter or via prescription for larger quantities. Laser treatments and even the use of duct tape are some of the other possible treatments for warts. Sometimes, it’s important to use means that are medically found to be suited to your skin and for that, it is needed to seek medical advice.
Being aware of your warts and having them examined regularly may be helpful to your health. They are caused by HPV and can even recur after treated. Warts can disappear on their own even if we just let them be. Being certain and safe is still of foremost importance so there’s no danger in seeking medical suggestions for your warts.
3rd November 2010
It is very common to have warts developing on the skin at one time or the other. You may develop warts on your skin without even having a knowledge of where it comes from. Prescription medicines are some of the most effective ways of dealing with warts and these are often recommended by a physician. One of the notable prescription medicines is Cantharidine. Cantharidine comes with a bandage which is placed on the treated area and once the warts disappear, the bandage is removed. The old skin is removed along with the warts when treatment is completed. Salicylic acid is another common over-the-counter prescription drugs used for people suffering from warts infection.
Freezing and cryotherapy is another effective way of removing warts infection from the skin. This is a painless process which involves the use of freezing liquid Nitrogen on the warts development and in the process . One of the things to expect with this treatment is that your skin colour may fade away especially at the area that is being treated with cryotherapy.
Laser treatment is one of the most advanced forms of treatments for warts and it is often used for extreme warts infections. Laser rays are used especially when all other treatments have failed to remove the wart virus. Laser treatment is very fast and effective . It also comes with no side effect however it remains the most expensive way of removing warts on the skin.
Home remedies for warts removal are quite safe and effective too, however they often come with some forms of pains while removing the warts. Some of the home remedies for warts treatment are extremely painful while others do go without much pain. Some of the commonest home remedy treatments for warts include; Banana skin formula, apple cider vinegar, duct tapes and lemon juice. It is very essential to choose carefully the kind of home treatments you wish to use because not every remedy will be compatible with your skin.
You should consult your physician especially when a home remedy treatment therapy has failed. Most home remedies are often mixed with some forms of other natural chemicals such as salicylic acids. Salicylic acids help home remedial treatment for warts and other skin infections much more effective, and such acid can remove the affected skin layer before new skin cells are generated to form a fresh and completely new skin.