Warts – what if they start to grow bigger

Warts are tumors or growths that occur on the skin after the keratin component grows too fast. This is usually brought about by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus, otherwise commonly known as HPV. They are very contagious and can easily be passed from one person to another via skin to skin contact.

Warts always come with a number of concerns and fears. Among the most common ones is the question; What if they start to grow bigger? Warts, as I have just indicated, are very contagious. This means that they can also be passed from one body part to another. Therefore, if for example you have a single wart and scratch it, there are very high chances that they are going to spread to the fingers and the area around where you have scratched. This is due to the transfer of the HPV virus from the wart to other parts of the body.
Sometimes warts, after being removed grow back and develop into big ones as a matter of fact. In this case, what are the right steps to take? You should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. He or she would be in the best position to examine and address them appropriately. Usually, in the case of big warts, they are removed by surgery.
This means that they are cut out with the help of maybe a scalpel or a blade under a local or general anesthesia. The warts are cut out from their bases but often, they do grow back after a period of time. Another disadvantage of this method is that it leaves the area scarred. This is thus something unacceptable especially if it is being performed on the most visible body parts like the face. When scars develop, a corrective measure would be the doing another minor reconstructive plastic surgery.
If you are not up to this method, then you should perhaps consider having laser treatment to remove the stubborn and big warts. It involves the use of a laser beam to kill the cells within the warts. This then makes the warts automatically come off.
Electrocautery can also be used on big warts. An electric current is passed through needles into the warts and kills the cells within them hence removing the warts.
You should not wait until warts start to grow big in order to have them removed. Instead, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as you notice any developing ones.

wartsFurther Reading: Removing Warts –  Are Warts Dangerous? –  Can warts turn cancerous?

Associated websites: scabie-s.com –  ringworm-s.com –  liverspot-s.com –  age-spots-removal.com


